Nihthelm mære

...ask for relief and I shall not give it...maybe if you beg child, I just might loosen the hold...but even then, only just a little...

Location: lost...

Nothing much. I'm a student with a temper (trying to control my impulses, and it's working...I think).

Sunday, January 15, 2006


darkness enveloping...

a hunger overcoming me...

thirst weighing me down...

emptiness beckoning me...

sleep...and dreams...taking over me...

slowly...second by second I am disappearing...

my eyes shut and I think...

if only...

just if...

if only...

I had eaten my breakfast earlier...gah! I'm hungry!!!!


Monday, November 07, 2005

The Color of Trust

Give me your trust said the Aes Sedai.
on my shoulders I support the sky.
Trust me to know and to do what is best,
And I will take care of the rest.

But trust is the color of a dark seed growing.
Trust is the color of a heart's blood flowing.
Trust is the color of a soul's last breath.
Trust is the color of death.

Give me your trust said the queen on her throne,
for I must bear the burden all alone.
Trust me to lead and to judge and to rule,
and no man will think you a fool.

But trust is the sound of the grave-dog's bark.
Trust is the sound of betrayal in the dark.
Trust is the sound of a soul's last breath.
Trust is the sound of death.

...the king on high...

..the lady and the lord...

...the love of your life...

Trust is the taste of death.

~A song. pages796-797, Chapter 44, Lord of Chaos, Book Six of The Wheel of Time~

Aiel...Dance of the Spears

Wash the spears-while the sun climbs high.
Wash the spears-while the sun falls low.
Wash the spears-Who fears to die?
Wash the spears-No one I know!

Wash the spears-while life holds true.
Wash the spears-until life ends.
Wash the spears...

Wash the spears-Life is a dream.
Wash the spears-All dreams must end.

Wash the spears-till shade is gone.
Wash the spears-till water turns dry.
Wash the spears-How long from home?
Wash the spears-Until I die!

Wash the spears-till the sun grows cold.
Wash the spears-till water runs free.
Wash the spears...

Wash the spears-while I breathe.
Wash the spears-my steel is bright.
Wash the spears...

~pages 970-973, Chapter 57, A Breaking in the Three-Fold Land, The Shadow Rising, Book Four of The Wheel of Time~

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

goddess of the underworld

The Sumerian and Akkadian goddess of the underworld, sister of the sky goddess Ishtar. Together with her consort Nergal she rules the underworld, also called 'the big land', from which no-one returns. One day Nergal was sent to her from heaven with an offering of food. They fell in love with each other, and when he had to leave, she was in tears and threathened Anu that she would revive all the dead, over whom she ruled, and send them back to earth, 'so that they will outnumber the living', unless Nergal was send back to her, for ever, as a husband. Her minister Namtar had to go to heaven as her messenger, for Ereshkigal felt that she was already pregnant. At last Nergal came stroming down the stairs, broke down the seven gates and burst into the goddess' palace straight into her passionate embrace, 'to wipe her tears.'
Ereshkigal is dark and violent, befitting her role as goddess of the underworld. As ruler over the shades, Ereshkigal receives the mortuary offerings made to the dead. In the Sumerian cosmogony she was carried off to the underworld after the separation of heaven and earth. She is often praised in hymns. Ereshkigal was probably once a sky-goddess.


Artist suggested looking her up so there you go.


I am a Darkfriend!!!


NOT!!! NO WAY WILL I BE ONE!!! Shai'tan's [*gasp* I named the Dark One! ... *roll eyes* XP] as ugly as hell and Rand isn't (in my imagination as well as book descriptions!).

Such a shallow reason... O_o well, whatever...
Seriously though, no matter how much I find the dark fascinating (and indeed it is), light's just the better one, and the right one besides.

Arrgh, gotta go. Homework calleth...o_O I mean, calls me to be put to rights. Hehehehehe ^^;

~my first frivolous post in this blog...XD

Monday, October 10, 2005

Within the Ways

Bitter blood. Blood so bitter. Drink the blood and crack the bone. Crack the bone and suck the marrow. Bitter marrow, sweet the screams. Singing screams. Sing the screams. Tiny souls. Acrid souls. Gobble them down. So sweet the pain.

~Chapter 27, Book IV, The Shadow Rising.

not as nice as the previous, but it is good enough I suppose...

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Machin Shin

The Black Wind…

“…blood so sweet, so sweet to drink the blood, the blood that drips, drips, drops so red; pretty eyes, fine eyes, I have no eyes, pluck the eyes from out of your head; grind your bones, split your bones inside your flesh, suck your marrow while you scream; scream, scream, singing screams, sing your screams…”

~written after having read The Great Hunt through the night last Sunday… (Late posting lang kasi)

Monday, September 12, 2005

And it works!

Yes. Finally, I got to change my blog's address.

That is all. My head is heavy right hurts...sigh...

Sunday, September 11, 2005


How much I hate myself...
...for all the mistakes I commit...
...the carelessness I can't seem to stop...
How I dislike my ways... can such a person as I be called responsible?
How can anyone depend on me so freely? makes me hold myself...
I have to be me...a better me...
...change is all I must welcome
however cold it is,
however hot to the touch,
however much I sink into myself,
I must change...
and change for the better...
I am the Captain,
I will do better.
I will be...

~written this day for no other reason than just because...

This blog's web address...

Fool that I am, I typed it incorrectly and can't seem to correct it any longer.
Notice the address is, right? Well, it's suppose to be myrDDraal. That's right. It's suppose to be a double d. Sheesh...And blogger won't let me change it no matter how many times I try. Why?! Dang it!


This day is not starting out nicely...yeah, I just woke up like an hour ago. Stayed up till 4am reading...not an assignment at that, now I have only half a day left to finish them since I didn't do them yesterday..ha-ha! Baaaad student.... >.<

"What Follows in Shadow"

"The voices seemed to whisper...Flesh so fine, so fine to tear, to gash the skin; skin to strip, to plait, so nice to plait the strips, so nice, so red the drops that fall; blood so red, so red, so sweet,; sweet screams, pretty screams, singing screams, scream your song, sing your screams..."

~p. 686, Chapter 45, What Follows In Shadow
The Eye of the World, The Wheel of Time

It is like a song, isn't it? A terifying one, but a still a song...